Starr Foundation tuition assistance grants totaling $220 million have provided support that honors Mr. Starr’s passion for ensuring educational opportunities for needy students of merit.
These funds support an externally managed scholarship program for children of Starr employees, financial aid and mentoring programs like the Jackie Robinson Foundation, and more than 50 additional endowed scholarships totaling more than $27 million, for deserving students at K–12 schools, colleges, and graduate programs across the United States.
Inspired by C.V. Starr’s longstanding personal and philanthropic commitment to ensuring that his employees’ children could attend college, The Starr Foundation established scholarship programs in the 1970s to support college tuition for the children of AIG employees. From 1970 to 2005, the Foundation contributed $94 million in scholarships to American or international students studying in the United States ($48 million) and international students attending schools outside the United States ($46 million).
In 2007, The Starr Foundation launched the C.V. Starr Scholarship Program for the children of Starr Insurance employees. The scholarships—more than $6 million since 2007—assist students pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees and are administered by International Scholarship and Tuition Services.
Additional programs were funded to benefit students in the locations where Mr. Starr and his employees lived and worked, most notably scholarship programs for public school students in Lower Manhattan and Brewster, New York.